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What are Spider Veins & Treatment Options for the Condition?

This post throws light on spider veins, causes, who are more to get them, and the treatment options.

Are you worried because little, dilated, and spider-like veins are developing near the surface of your skin? You also find several, tiny fine lines emerging from a central point. Well, there is nothing much to worry as these are called spider veins and most of the time are not hazardous to your health, but they definitely look unsightly when appearing on the surface of your skin. They can be treated with the help of a certified and experienced physician.

These are bluish, purplish or green in color and generally found on the thighs, calves, buttocks, and sometimes even on the face.

Who are Prone to Develop Them?

According to reports, 75% or more women develop this condition as they age or after pregnancy. They also appear on the skin of men as well as children. The condition can be as simple as a matter damaged capillaries or sometimes a more serious condition known as venous hypertension.

The Causes

Patients develop this condition due to weakened or damaged blood vessel walls and abnormality in blood circulation. Again, if you are into any activity that puts excessive pressure, like carrying a lot of weight or sitting in front of your computer for an extended period, can result or aggravate issues relating to spider veins.

Aging, hormonal changes, menopause, pregnancy, and genetic elements also lead to the appearance of these threadlike lines.

No matter where these veins manifest themselves, your doctor will examine spider veins thoroughly using ultrasound. This is essential to understand the serious of the condition. Your doctor will propose a customized spider vein treatmentplan to get rid of the unsightly spider-like veins. Modern procedures are not painful or invasive.

Spider Veins Don’t Fade Easily

Remember that spider veins do not wane easily once they appear unless you seek the assistance of a qualified medical professional. So, there is no reason to think that shedding weight will miraculously rub out the threadlike lines.

Will the Threadlike Veins Return Post-treatment?

This is one question that patients often ask their doctor. Generally, they don’t return, but may appear to return. Women who develop this condition may again see these unsightly veins reappearing simply because they are prone to get them.

Prevention & Treatment Options

Before discussing about the treatment options, let’s understand how spider veins can be prevented. It’s recommended that you stay physically fit and maintain a healthy weight.

If you already have these unsightly veins, you may prevent it further by:
Wearing support or compression stockings
Not standing still or sitting with your legs crossed for a long time

Conventional Treatment

When these veins result in pain or other discomforting symptoms, wearing compression stockings is the best way out. These support stockings are easily available in reputed pharmacies and surgical supply stores.


In this procedure, a solution of salt is injected right away into the affected part. Once this is done, the veins collapse and the affected part may remain sensitive or tender for a few days. Some patients may also experience minor bruising, but it will fade within a few weeks. As far as Sclerotherapy is concerned, it may require multiple treatments.

Laser Treatment

When it comes to laser treatment, it pulses directly from a laser light straight into the spider veins. Consequently, it results in the formation of tiny blood clots. The blood vessels are blocked off and in due course are reabsorbed by your body.

Laser therapy is also used as an additional treatment after endovenous procedures, Sclerotherapy or larger vein surgery. When it comes to this treatment, they may require many sessions at an interval of six weeks to properly cure spider veins.

Photoderm or Light therapy

This is another form of treatment in which high-intensity light is used. This is different than laser therapy as a light spectrum is emitted during the procedure instead of a single wavelength. It is generally used to selectively shrink damaged veins such as small spider veins and specific varicose veins.

So, the above discussion gives you some idea about as to what are spider veins, its causes and treatment options.

Dr. Chane

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