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Common Yet Essential Cardiac Treatments

There is a gamut of cardiovascular services that heart specialists provide and each one of them has a definite purpose of alleviating the suffering of a heart patient.

The specialized services that cardiologists typically offer are many. Each heart patient could be suffering from a specific heart ailment and therefore they may need specialized treatment. The typical treatments that are available for specific heart conditions are



This is an invasive method of opening narrow arteries to make the arteries wider. As the arteries widen, a stent is inserted so that the blood can flow freely

Electrocardiogram (ECG): Electrocardiogram is a procedure that does not require surgery and entails placing electrodes on the body which in turn is fastened to a machine that interprets the functioning of the heart


External Counter Pulsation(ECP):

This treatment is ideal for treating pain in the chest known as chronic angina caused by a dearth of oxygen supply. Cuffs inflate as they are strapped forcing blood flow from the limbs in the lower part of the body to the heart



Ecocardiography is really a test which involves a heart sonogram to learn about the heart muscles, structure, and heart valves


Holter and Event Monitor:

A holter monitor and event monitor is a device that can be carried around anywhere and a patient has to wear it for one whole day or more to monitor the electrical activity of the heart while patients are up and about


Treadmill Stress Test :

Isotope tracers are used in this test for the observation of blood flow to the muscles of the heart while a person is resting as well as while a person is jogging on a simulator. This test is also used to detect and diagnose possible partial heart blockage.

Carotid and peripheral ultrasounds:This treatment is essentially artery sonogram. Through the arteries, the brain and the lower legs gets blood.


Vein ablation for Varicose Vein and Leg Ulceration Treatment:

This treatment is essentially artery sonogram. Through the arteries, the brain and the lower legs gets blood.

For successful treatment of these ailments, cardiologists should be consulted who would provide treatment to patients suffering from a particular type of heart condition. Each heart condition is critical and therefore hospitals have trauma care and intensive care units that are adequately equipped to treat patients who need urgent emergency care.

Heart attacks are quite common these days and those who experience heat attack have very little time and therefore they need treatment immediately to avert further complications leading to possible critical condition.

When a person feels pain in the chest, they should stop their routine activity and sit down and take a deep breath followed by hard coughing which would alleviate pain momentarily. If anybody is already a cardiac patient then based on doctor’s advice they should keep with them a sorbitrate tablet which they should place under their tongue and let it dissolve.

Within a minute or two there would not be anymore chest pain and the person can resume with their normal activities. If one were to look for cardiologists Huntington Beach has many hospitals where renowned cardiologists are available all the time.

Dr. Chane

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