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Experiencing Varicose Veins? Get the Treatment Now

The veins in our body carry deoxygenated blood from different tissues to the heart. Sometimes, these veins get enlarged and overfilled with blood. This condition is known as varicose veins. Though any part of your body can be affected by varicose veins, the legs and the feet are the most common parts where you can experience it the most. This condition can completely ruin the appearance of your legs in the initial stage and in the later stage, they can lead to the serious medical condition. According to a study, if you are experiencing varicose veins, chances are there that it will develop DVT or deep vein thrombosis that can lead to blood clots in your legs. However, where there is a problem, there is a way, and varicose veins treatment is the way that will help you to cure this medical condition. But in order to get the right treatment, you need to know the causes and the symptoms of varicose veins.

Causes of Varicose Veins:

The causes of varicose veins include:

Symptoms of Varicose Veins:

Since the symptoms of varicose veins are highly visible, it is quite easy to find out that you have varicose veins. If you have varicose veins, you will find the enlarged and misshapen veins on the parts of the body, especially on your legs. In this medical condition, you might experience a feeling of swelling, heaviness and pain on and around the veins. If the condition gets worse, the veins can bleed and ulcers can form.

In order to get cured, you don’t need any aggressive treatment. Just a few changes in your lifestyle can bring the difference. Maintain the following tips to stop the varicose veins from getting worse.

If your job is to sit or stand for a longer period of time, walk or stretch a little in between.

In order to improve your blood circulation, you can exercise regularly. If your blood circulation is improved, there will be no/less chance of blood clotting.

One of the major reasons for varicose veins is overweight or obesity. So, it is highly important to follow a healthy diet to maintain or reduce your weight.

If you are experiencing varicose veins, wearing compression stockings or socks can be quite beneficial for you.

In case your varicose veins develop a severe condition and you are suffering from unbearable pain, the only option left to you is a surgery. The doctors might suggest you a

  1. Laser surgery
  2. Sclerotherapy
  3. Microsclerotherapy
  4. Endovenous ablation therapy and
  5. Endoscopic vein surgery depending on the severity of your condition.

If you have the symptoms of varicose veins, Don’t wait and make the condition worse. Consult a doctor today and get the treatment as soon as possible.

Dr. Chane

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