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Varicose Veins – Their Appearance, Symptoms & Treatment

Read this post to learn about unhealthy varicose veins, their appearance, symptoms and treatment options.

Sometimes, unsightly, swollen and unhealthy veins may manifest themselves on the surface of your skin. They are blue or purple in color and have the appearance like those of bulged, twisted cords. These are popularly known as varicose veins and are generally one-quarter inch or more in thickness. They generally become visible on your legs and thighs.

There is another type of unhealthy veins known as spider veins which are smaller than varicose veins. These veins are blue or red in appearance and found closer to the skin surface than varicose veins. They have a branch-like appearance or look like a spider’s web, having short uneven lines. You may see them develop on a smaller or larger area of your skin.

People, who ignore and leave them untreated, may face complications like deep-vein blood clots, bleeding under their skin, and even ulcerated spots close to their ankles.

How Will You Know that You Have Unhealthy Veins?

Do you know whether you are suffering from a vein disease at all? This condition develops more in women than men, and the following symptoms will let you know whether you are developing varicose veins or not.

So, you now understand that leaving the condition unattended by doctors may lead to painful symptoms. Though, there is nothing to worry as varicose veins are curable with modern methods of treatment.

Treatment Options You Have

Fortunately, as far as varicose veins are concerned, treatment doesn’t imply that you have to stay in a hospital, or will have an extended, uncomfortable recovery after the procedure. The treatment options are less intrusive and are on an outpatient basis.

Self-care and Wearing Compression Stockings for Minor Symptoms

Self-care means losing weight, exercising, avoiding wearing tight clothes, avoiding standing or sitting for extended periods, avoiding sitting crossed legs, and elevating your legs while resting or sleeping. These are some of the ways you can alleviate pain and prevent the symptoms from getting worse.

Wearing compression hoses is often recommended before you opt for other treatment options. You need to wear them all day to help gradually press your legs, allowing leg muscles and veins move blood efficiently. You need to opt for the correct size and ensure they are strong but not necessarily tight.

Other Treatments for Severe Cases of Varicose Veins

If you find that self-care methods and wearing compression stockings are not working, it means that your condition is severe and your physician may recommend any one of these treatments.

Laser Therapy: Physicians are employing innovative technology when it comes to laser therapy to close off diseased veins. This procedure works by sending strong bursts of light onto your affected vein, making it gradually wane and disappear. In this process, no needles or incisions are used.

Sclerotherapy: This is an effective procedure for varicose veins that are smaller and your doctor will inject a solution directly into the affected vein. The solution injected results in the diseased veins to scar and close, helping the blood to flow via healthier veins. And, as far as the collapsed vein is concerned, it is reabsorbed into any local tissue and gradually fades.

Once the treatment is over, the treated veins may take some time to fade, say a few weeks. However, it may in a few cases, take a month to fade. Again, in some cases, several sessions may be required depending on the condition.

Catheter-aided Treatments: In this procedure, your doctor will insert a catheter (a thin tube) into a bulged vein, heating the tip of the tube. As the tube is pulled out, the heat generated will destroy the affected vein and help it to close and seal shut. This technique is usually applied for larger varicose veins.

As far as treatment for unhealthy veins is concerned, it’s important that you consult a varicose vein specialist who is certified and experienced enough to understand the difference between minor and severe symptoms, and suggest treatment accordingly. Always ask your doctor whether you are suited for treatment, any health risks pertaining to your condition and possible side effects.

Dr. Chane

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