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When Should I Seek Medical Attention for Chest Pain?

Cardiovascular conditions affect more adults in the United States than any other disease. Your primary care provider is equipped to help you manage risk factors of heart disease, but sometimes you need more specialized care.

Chest pain is a common occurrence, and in some cases, it doesn’t warrant urgent concern. Less serious causes of chest pain include indigestion and heartburn. If your chest pain occurs from time to time, bring it up to your primary care provider.

At CA Heart and Vein Specialists in Huntington Beach, California, cardiovascular physician Dr. Majed Chane and our team are dedicated to helping you keep your heart and circulatory system as healthy as possible. If you’re experiencing chest pain, it’s crucial to know when you need to see a cardiologist.

Chest pain can be a warning sign of heart trouble. Here, we’ve put together some clues that indicate your chest pain warrants expert evaluation from a heart specialist.

Evaluating chest pain

Many conditions can cause chest pain, and accurate identification is necessary to prevent potentially life-threatening complications. Discussing your symptoms with a cardiovascular physician is the first step in getting an accurate diagnosis.

Cardiovascular conditions that can cause chest pain include:

Dr. Chane uses the latest diagnostic tools and advances in cardiology to diagnose and treat a broad range of conditions that affect your cardiovascular system. He assesses your heart risks, evaluates you for a significant blockage of your coronary artery, and executes an appropriate treatment plan to protect your heart.

When chest pain is cause for concern

You should never ignore chest pain. It’s important to seek the help of a medical professional to rule out heart trouble. Chest pain is only one sign of possible heart problems.

Angina is a type of chest pain that happens when your heart muscle doesn’t get enough oxygenated blood, and it can be a sign of heart disease. Stable angina is when symptoms occur during moderate to intense physical activity. Unstable angina is when you have chest pain with little to no physical exertion.

If chest pain strikes when you’re walking or during light exertion, it’s imperative to see a heart specialist. Unstable angina is a warning sign that a heart attack may occur soon.

Causes of angina include:

A number of situations can trigger angina, including:

In general, chest pain is a serious concern when it occurs with little exertion, happens multiple times a day, comes on suddenly and intensely, or started within eight weeks and has worsened.

When chest pain requires immediate medical attention 

You should call 911 if you experience symptoms of a heart attack. Classic warning signs are:

Don’t shrug off chest pain or try to diagnose yourself at home. If you’re concerned about chest pain or chest discomfort, it’s wise to see a cardiovascular specialist. 

Call to schedule a visit with Dr. Chane to discuss your concerns, or request an appointment online today. Rest assured that you’re in good hands. Heart patients who visit CA Heart and Vein Specialists receive the highest quality of care.

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